Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Un Embarque Nuevo

For some, this year's trip to Nicaragua is their second opportunity to serve. For others, it's their first!
"I've never traveled outside the country before, so figuring out how to keep all my things together at the airport was overwhelming! This is an entirely new experience for me...not being with my family, but I'm looking forward to improving my Spanish speaking skills, along with getting to bond with the "crew."
-  Diamond Taylor (11)

A total of 19 bags packed with clothes, toys, and toiletries joined us on the journey from MIA to our arrival here in NICA. These items are for the families we'll be serving. In addition to the 19 check-in bags, the crew packed close to 140 backpacks for Club Esperanza, an early childhood education program.


Once we loaded the bus, we set out to "el rancho," the farm we'll be staying at for the rest of the week.

After getting our things settled, we then enjoyed dinner with the host family that has graciously provided for our stay. Later, we gathered together for an evening devotional lead by Mr. Gonzalez and Mrs. Wier. We also got to enjoy Landon Scherr (12) and Victoria Winter's (11) musical talents, as they helped conclude day 1 of the NICA trip!


Thank you to all those who have prayed, supported, and encouraged us along the way. We ask that you please continue to pray for our crew as we prepare to begin work on the house tomorrow. 

NICA Crew 2017


  1. Been thinking and praying for all of you as you give your hearts, souls, sweat, and hands to this work. You are impacting lives and will never forget this experience. These people will always remember that you came to help them and they will forever live in your hearts as well. You are the hands of Jesus, each one of you. God bless you all. Love, Mrs. Forbes

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